
Barksdale 2019 Stop Hunger photo.png

What is Servathon?

Servathon is Sodexo’s largest global Stop Hunger event. Every April and May Sodexo empowers its employees around the world to join forces, engage their teams and fight hunger in their local communities. We do this through service, skilled volunteerism, fundraising and activities that go beyond food aid. Participating in Servathon is easy and a great engagement and team-building tool! 

Sodexo Employees: For more resources on how to get involved, click here

Who can get involved?
All Sodexo employees, clients, family, and friends.

Who organizes the events?
The national Stop Hunger team, Sodexo employees and you!  More information will be posted on SodexoNet for internal employees to review. 

When is Servathon?
Servathon is scheduled for April 1 - May 31. 

Want an easy way to get involved?

Engage virtually with the Love The Planet Food Drive, tied to Earth Month and focused on increasing access to healthy plant-based foods for people struggling with food insecurity. Make a donation or set up your own team page and fundraising for a local charity of your choice.