Our Vision and Mission

At Sodexo, it’s our belief all children deserve access to sufficient healthy food every day so they can learn, play and thrive.

That’s why, in 1996, we created our Stop Hunger initiative and, in 1999, launched the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation, a not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to ensure every child in the U.S. grows up with dependable access to enough nutritious food to enable them to lead a healthy, productive life.

The Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation mobilizes experts, innovators, volunteers and donors to feed children in the U.S. today and advocate for policies that ensure no child is hungry again tomorrow. This includes Sodexo employees, who support Stop Hunger year-round by donating their time, resources and expertise, holding fundraisers and encouraging others to get involved.

Sodexo, Inc. funds all administrative costs for the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation so all money raised helps those in need. Since its inception, we have granted more than $44 million to alleviate child hunger.

By the end of 2024, we will:

  • Contribute to 3 million children in the U.S. having access to adequate, healthy food every day

  • Contribute to protecting the social safety net that helps children and families move out of and avoid poverty and hunger

  • Solidify our leadership in identifying, investing in and scaling innovative, youth-designed and youth-led solutions to childhood hunger

To accomplish our goals, we will use three cross-cutting strategies:

Global Presence:

Globally, Stop Hunger is a leading force in the fight against hunger that is present in 40 countries with the goal of being in all 53 countries where Sodexo does business.

Stop Hunger is working for a hunger-free world in 3 fields of intervention: support to local communities in need, women empowerment, and emergency assistance affecting entire populations in areas of chronic hunger. Stop Hunger relies on local and international partnerships with 1,200 NGOs, as well as the unique ecosystem of Sodexo, its founding partner.