Applications for the 2021 Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarships now being accepted
Gaithersburg, Md., October 5, 2020 -- The Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation announced the opening of the application period for the 2021 Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarships which will run from October 5 through December 5, 2020. The scholarship program urges students to apply to #Get5KGive5K to help end hunger in their communities. Students from kindergarten through graduate school are eligible to apply for a $5,000 scholarship with matching $5,000 grant for the hunger-related charity of their choice. Visit to apply.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 40 million people living in the United States, including 13 million children, lack the means to get enough nutritious food on a regular basis. As a result, they struggle with hunger at some time during the year. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, 1 in 7 children were food insecure in the U.S. Currently, 1 in 4 children are food insecure and the need to help fight hunger in our communities in the U.S. is so important. Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation has a 14-year legacy of investing in young leaders and their innovative ideas because we believe they are the generation to end childhood hunger.
“The new generations are leading the path towards a more sustainable society empowering students to engage with responsible thinking and practices,” explained Gerri Mason Hall, Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Chair and Chief Diversity and Sustainability Officer for the Americas. “We strive to encourage youth-led initiatives providing innovative solutions to help fight childhood hunger because this is an issue no one person, team, or organization can solve alone.” Up to five national scholarship recipients will be selected based on their ongoing work to end hunger.
“I am humbled by the quality and volume of applications we receive each year,” said Roxanne Moore, Executive Director, Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation. “Helping and supporting Stop Hunger Scholars - ordinary people that make themselves extraordinary - bring the Stop Hunger Foundation closer to its objective of working toward zero hunger in the U.S.”
To date, Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation has recognized 236 regional honorees and 71 national scholarship recipients with grants totaling $566,000 for their hunger-relief charities and $330,000 in scholarships.
To be eligible, students must be enrolled in an accredited education institution (kindergarten through graduate school) in the United States and be able to demonstrate an enduring commitment to end hunger in their community. The deadline for 2021 applications is December 5, 2020. Apply by visiting by December 5. Watch this video to hear stories from the 2020 Stop Hunger Scholars and how they work together to fight hunger in the U.S.
Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation works to ensure that every child in the United States, especially those most at risk, grows up with dependable access to enough nutritious food to enable them to lead a healthy, productive life. Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @StopHungerUSA and Instagram @sodexostophunger.
About Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation
The Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation works with and through partners to help end childhood hunger in the United States because no child should be hungry today or risk being hungry again tomorrow. Sodexo, Inc., which funds all administrative costs, and the nonprofit Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation, mobilize experts, innovators, volunteers and donors to feed children; to advocate for policies to end childhood hunger; and to implement innovative potential solutions, particularly those designed by youth.